
So if you’re interested in nutrition or eating healthy in any way I’m sure you’ve heard the words macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients are proteins, carbs, and fat and these things are needed in large amounts in the body. These are the main things that fuel your body, build muscle, oxygenate your cells, and pretty much keep you functioning.

Micronutrients are not widely covered as often so that’s why I’m covering it all now for you and they are vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins and minerals are substances found in the food we eat but are needed in much smaller amounts than macronutrients to keep us healthy.

So lets cover some  major micronutrients you can find in your diet:

Sodium: found in pretty much everything, is responsible for maintaining the proper fluid balance in your body, and they help maintain the pH level of your blood.

Iron: found in most animal products, dark leafy vegetables, and beans and it helps your body produce red blood cells and lymphocytes. 

Vitamin C: found in citrus fruits, bell peppers (who knew), broccoli, berries, tomatoes, peas and more. This vitamin is a key nutrient for  your heart. It also helps our bodies heal faster! So next time you get a little cut or scrape, eat an orange!

Vitamin D: found in cheese, egg yolks, fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon), and foods fortified with vitamin D such as cereals & milks. The main action of this vitamin is to help grow and stabilize our bones and teeth. It is super important to consume enough of this vitamin when we are little because this the time when our bodies are growing the fastest and need the most vitamin D. 

Chromium: found in sweet potatoes, corn, oats and grass fed beef. This nutrient plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism in our bodies. 

So a BIG question I always get is - "do I need to read all my labels and make sure that I am getting the correct amount of this vitamin or mineral?" The answer is no. If you’re eating an overall healthy diet you are GOLDEN and chances are you’re getting all the micronutrients your precious body needs.


I do challenge you (I’m going to do it too). Each week pick up a different fruit and a different vegetable to try. We tend to get in a rut of eating the same fruits and vegetables each week because we know how to cook them and they’re a safe bet BUT chances are if you choose different fruits and vegetables you’ll be consuming a larger array of micronutrients and trust me your body will thank you!


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